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Explorer = best guitar ever

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I agree. I got my Explorer back in August of last year and even though I haven't owned it long I'm at the point now where I can't ever see myself selling it. Even though I'm mainly a bass player, this is a guitar that I'm going to hang on to untill I'm dead.


Some people who haven't played one long enough might assume that it's just another one of Gibson's 'lesser' models and the only thing it has going for it is a different and unique body shape. But let's compare the Explorer to the Les Paul.


When you play the Explorer it just sounds more... full. Theres something about that huge extra hunk of wood on the bass side that probably adds to the vibration or something and just makes it sound great. If you took two Les Pauls on exactly the same settings and plugged them into exactly the same amps and played them together youd just get noise. But a Les Paul and an Explorer make a great team. Not only do they look different, but they SOUND different too. I say better. Theres a lot more the the Explorer than just a unique shape.


Another thing. The Scorpions and Metallica gave some the prejudice that this is a metal guitar, but thats the last thing I'd play on my explorer. It's and incredible classic rock and blues guitar; it sounds smooth and creamy but then as soon as you strum it hard or just switch to the bridge pick up you get this beautifull natural distortion and break-up.


Heres some pics of mine:






Anyone else in love with their Explorer?

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