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Electrics - for loud use only?

uncle fester

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23 hours ago, Filbert said:

If you have a Blues Jr, a top tip I learned was to turn the Master control to max and then use the Volume control to set the level. I have mine set to 2 and that is plenty loud enough but it apparently helps to get the best tone out of them.

I go the opposite way to get some distortion.

22 hours ago, Karloff said:

I do that alot too. sitting watching tv with my wife. and it bugs the crap outta her til she asks e to go in my den to play, which was where I wanted to be in the 1st place. lol


3 hours ago, Murph said:

I haven't played my electrics an hour in 8/9 years.

I need to dump some stuff...

Nope - Keep it...  it's fun to have something you can pick up once in awhile, if it's gone, it's gone.  you should just pick one up for a little bit right now..  dedicate 2 weeks to electrics - see what happens



2 hours ago, kidblast said:

Bill--  B Jr.s can use natural overdrive,, just crank the volume, and leave the master way down low.. or  perhaps you can pick yerself up up adecent Over Drive pedal.   There are TRILLIONS of them out there..  A good one that would probably do it for ya and is easy on the wallet is a Fulltone OCD

I have a few, Barber Burn Uint, Radial Tonebone Classic and a Black Star Dual HT.

Yes - figuring out the blues jr, I get the distortion I need out of it, just had to remember to play with it right.

46 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

Electrics and Acoustics are two different instruments.

Although electrics can get louder, that isn't their only function. The sustain is different, the tone is different (and adjustable) and there are fewer overtones.

While their uses overlap in a broad spectrum, each will do some things the other cannot do.

Insights and incites by Notes

Agreed as well...  starting to rediscover the world that electrics brings. 


Thanks again all for the comments - rgds  -b.

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