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17 hours ago, Paul14 said:

Would like to apologize to other forum members for allowing myself to get sucked into this ridiculous “conversation “. I usually avoid these idiots like the plague. 

Sorry everyone! This forum is supposed to be about acoustic Gibson’s not this nonsense, & I will do everything in my power to avoid this, in the future.

i will never have my mind changed by anything these people have to say, & vise versa.

these endless, pointless discussions don’t belong here! Not sure they have a place anywhere for that matter. I don’t even use straws, of any description.


Your "apology" might sound more sincere if, when making it, you didn't refer to me and others as "these idiots." It's not really an apology if name-calling is involved.

I said your question was stupid. I didn't say you were stupid. There's a distinction.

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