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Revising an old tune....


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I'm a firm believer that few songs are ever really "done." We grow and learn as songwriters and if we're not going back and revising our old stuff with what we've learned, then we're missing out. Such is the case with "Droop Mountain."

 As I explain in the notes, I originally wrote this years ago for a bluegrass group that never performed it. I rarely (actually, never) perform it myself. I stumbled across it yesterday, worked up a new melody, did some rewriting, reworked a verse into a bridge and made a couple of other tweaks. And so here, for your murder ballad listening enjoyment, is "Droop Mountain." I may change the title to "Annie of Droop Mountain."

I'm playing my J-35, which is made for songs like this, although it probably is due for a string change.


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