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Authenticity and year of Barney Kessel standard?


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Hi all, I’m trying to confirm the authenticity and year of a Barney Kessel standard that I was told was a 1966. The sticker inside the f hole is missing and has M 5945 stamped in ink under the sticker. The headstock is a custom headstock with the Gibson logo that doesn’t have the dot above the “i” placing it in the early 70s I believe. The rest of the guitar are to standard specs. The headstock also has a 6 digit serial. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Edited by LVXIFER
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Thanks for posting the photos, LVXIFER.  Now I fully understand what you were referring to, and I think you've pretty well examined the situation correctly.  Other than the non-matching head inlay, and the missing label, the guitar appears legit to me.  I have no idea what's going on with that stamped number over the label residue, and that troubles me slightly.  I would say it's quite possible that somebody custom-ordered the instrument with the Custom-style head inlay pattern, but with the missing "i" dot, perhaps it was sent back to Gibson for a repair and/or mod of the headstock in that '69 to '72-ish period.  The shape and dimensions look right, though, and the "Custom" truss rod cover is one of those things that is always turning up on guitars where it doesn't technically belong.  The fingerboard appears to be rosewood, so that is of course correct for the specs for a Standard.

So, there are little mysteries there, but it's hard to explain them.  Proceed at your own risk, I suppose, and try to get as much info as you can from the seller.  If they don't cooperate or satisfy you with their comments, maybe it's better to steer clear of this one.  Unless it's under-priced, of course!  😉

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Well, no matter what, you've got a very nice instrument there.  If you're so inclined, let us know what they say (and what they said prior to the sale... I'm curious about this now).

Btw, my first hollowbody Gibson was a '64 Kessel Regular that I bought in 1981.  I traded it away several years later, but it was a great guitar.  I still get periodic urges to get another one like it.

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I’m told ‘64 is the most sought after year. Bet she was a beaut in ‘81! They really are great guitars. 

The seller (who owned a few Kessels’) told me he purchased the guitar stripped of its original parts awhile back. He purchased it “since it was in such great shape.” He installed PU’s etc but other than that he said he believed the body and neck to be stock. The rest was also a mystery to him. I’ve reached out to Reverb to ask if they can assist in confirming it’s authenticity. Supposedly they have a team who vets guitars. Will pop back in if I get any more info. 

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