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Riviera P93 pick noise


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Hello amigos!

I recently get an Epiphone Riviera P93, I really like the guitar but I found a very annoying noise with the middle pick up when is off. 

Means, when you play with the bridge pick and the middle pick is on 10 everything is alright, but when you turn it to 0 there is a huge ground noise, like huge... same thing with the neck pick. Is this a manufacturing issue because the position of the 3 P90s? do I have a wire problem or do I have a problem with the middle pick up?

Do you, Riviera owners, have the same problem?

Thank you very much for your help!  

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I don't have a Riviera, but what I have read says the center PU is in reverse polarity (magnetic) to provide hum-cancelling, if you shut the center PU all the way off you are defeating the hum-cancelling and  you will get the 60 cycle hum that P90's are normally effected by.

Controls explanation copied from another post;

Switch is: UP=neck-middle, MIDDLE=all 3 pickups, DOWN=middle-bridge pickups.

You get single pickups, by turning down the appropriate volume knob. In playing position, the 

Front top is neck volume, front bottom is bridge volume, and back bottom is middle volume...at least

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I use P90's exclusively on all of my guitars, there are many things that can cause them to make more noise than they should, like old cables, too much gain, being too close to you amp,  old tubes, a bad power ground and old florescent lights. I eliminate every thing I can to reduce noise, its just life in the P90 world...


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