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Tone cap orientation


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So now you learned something today. Now go ahead and tell me how he's wrong. Lets see, believe a guy that I know is an accomplished builder, and has built a very succesful amp business, or a couple of wanna be's on the interwebs. Have a good day you ignoramus.

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From an old post in an amp forum: ".... The engineers at SBE - who took over the "Orange Drops"............ The idea is to have the outer foil connect to the low impedance side of the circuit, thus - contrary to Gerald Weber's recommendation - the outer foil would go to the plate of say a 12AX7 (~62K//100K) instead of the cold side with the 1M grid resistor...."

Just saying. 

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17 hours ago, stokes said:

So now you learned something today. Now go ahead and tell me how he's wrong. Lets see, believe a guy that I know is an accomplished builder, and has built a very succesful amp business, or a couple of wanna be's on the interwebs. Have a good day you ignoramus.

I'm pretty much the go-to amp guy on this forum.  I've fixed a few hundred amps for the public and built about 25.  My biz is Tennessee Amplifier.  I only work for private clients and I'm a licensed Professional Engineer.

I stay current with all this stuff.  I don't just read something 40 years ago from one wrong reference in one book and then go on to do the wrong thing for a whole career.  I'm an engineer, so I don't make up stuff, I do what the industry standard is.  You've cited one of Weber's books and it's the only thing I ever read by him that's different from the rest of the industry does.  You should check with some other references if you care about it.

If you need any more help, I'll have to start charging.  Hundred bucks an hour.

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