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Super stoked about this SHREDHED scales & modes thing I got. Anyone else gotten this yet?


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Has anyone else gotten one of these yet? It's like a book, but it opens up to a poster so you don't have to keep flipping pages. You can write on it with a marker. I got it and Guitar Center...and it was CHEAP!!! I'm finally learning my scales!!! Thank God....it's about time. Has anyone tried any of there other stuff?





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I pretty much got what scales and modes are from a site called GOSK and Wikipedia. I found some exotic scales on Jazz Guitar, and I also have a pdf file with the modes of the Harmonic Minor scale, but I can't remember where I got it from... I also have a book on scales and modes, Scales & Modes In The Beginning by Ron Middlebrock, that was suggested to me by a forum member, and although I already knew some of the stuff in there and it has only notation, it provides some additional information on the modes, some chord progressions and arpeggios.


You should also check JGuitar and Scalerator.


One love

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and Lawyers


And fish and butterflies and moths, but I don't think he/she was talking about these kind of scales :-k ...


Then again, there are so many weird people in this world (no offense FlyingVee) ...


Anyways, um... One Love!

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this is a bunch of craziness. i saw the lead post and was hoping someone would tell me a little sumthin about these shredhed things i've been hearing all about. people have been saying that they're the coolest things since the ipod. i guess when a song book has been a song book for a couple hundred years and someone comes along and does something crazy better, people are bound to go nuts. even my teacher is going nuts about these things. i'm guessing you can get shredheds at all the typical spots... gc, etc. do they have a site? shredhed.com would probly be a good place to check first. i'll report back.

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