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Expensive Cleaner!


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Members of the Cabinet have been defending themselves following the Daily Telegraph's decision to print details of their expense claim receipts.


Among the expenses detailed by the Telegraph were Gordon Brown's payment of £6,577 for cleaning work between 2004 and 2006 to his brother Andrew - a senior executive at EDF Energy.

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Don't get me started on those idiots.... Corrupt as fcuk!! Nice they are finally getting exposed....


what about the Gurkha's ?? a devoted proud regiment in the British Army who have fought for the UK.. Their not allowed to settle here! whats that all about, after all we only let in thousands of immigrants each year who are going to do nothing except leech off society, expecting state hand outs.




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The Gurkha's have just been shat on!


And isn't the wonderful Ms Lumley playing the politico's with a skill rarely to be found in the portals of Westminster?


I say Three Cheers for the Lady!


=P~ :D =D>

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