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California appears poised to ban big-screen TVs


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This is only the beginning.

Pretty soon they won't allow us to buy amplifiers.

Outdoor concerts like Oz Fest' date=' Lallapallooza, and any other festival will be outlawd due to excessive power usage.[/quote']


That's why I have been stock piling. The more amps the better!!!!



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Ah Oregon' date=' land of the free...







Illinois, too:








Ban topping off tanks? How they gonna police that? I mean, I just gassed up the family truckster. The pump nozzle clicked off after only 2 gallons. Obviously it was flowing out the nozzle faster than the fill pipe could handle it, thus causing fuel to back up into the fill pipe and shut the fuel off as if the tank had become full. Now, I know my gauge was reading near "E", so I repositioned the nozzle and didn't click it on full blast and it continued to fill until 20 gallons had been dispensed. Now.. My tank is rated to hold 25 gallons. 26 if I happen to suck it dry. After the first repositioning... did I top it off? I mean the nozzle did cancel. If I was not sure the tank was perfectly full, I could have reset the nozzle again. Would I be topping if off then? Then again.. who's to know? If I fill the tank, then procede to fill a 2.5 gallon jerry can, would my credit card record show that 20 gallons had been dispensed before the nozzle cut off, then I resumed filling with another 2 gallons or so.. Could some government employee determine that I had 'topped off'? How do I prove it?


Seems like toothless legislation to appease the tree huggers. They'd be better off with the elephant nose fill nozzles which recapture vapors and direct them back into the underground tank. That technology exists and WORKS.



ILA site. Yes, Mayor Daily's boys are at it again. Emboldened by one of Richie Daily's boys attaining higher office. Probably why the shelves are bare of ammunition. This kind of legislation results in exactly what it purports to avoid. Hoarding. BTW, the new gubernator is beginning to act like his predecessor.

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Logic A family of 4 needs a new TV and they only afford 800 or the kids don't eat. They make LED TV's now that run on very little energy. Like any new product they are expensive $2500. What TV should they buy. It's not about energy it's about government control. It's their agenda. Read Neo's post again this is how it's done. The family won't be able to decide we can only afford a 800 and will have to pay the extra on the power. That's all they can afford. No matter how good something sounds you have to look at who it affects and how badly.




The family of 4 needs to adjust their agenda and expectaions:




And.. they can eat for another 3 months.

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Headline would not fit in the post title without wrapping to two lines.



Not to mention you saved a whole lot of electrons by Reader's Digesting the title. Add another leave to your virtual tree NeoCon :-k

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