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Lo-Fi Cool At Its Best


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Here be my late 1940s Harmony Stella. I now got four of these el cheapo chic guitar (the others are a 1920s Stromberg Voisnet parlor and two mid-1930s Kay Deluxe round hole archtops).


I was actually able to salvage the original bridge. Cut off the veneer thin edges (one side had virtally broke off anyway), shaped the bottom to fit the contour of the top like a glove and re-slotted it so the strings did not pop out (still plan to try different bridges on this one just for grins). Cleaned out a ton or two of dust balls and Lordy knows what else from inside. To my surprise, much of the harsh, tinny sound is gone. Poking around inside with a dentist's mirror it appears this baby has two different style of top braces. Those down near the bridge are more squared and brutish than those up by the soundhole.


Does it sound really good - nope but it sure sounds better than it did and if it has six strings on it I can have fun with it. Best part is, I can take it anywhere or just leave it laying around - not all that worried about it.


How the heck did we ever to learn to play on these things.





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How the heck did we ever to learn to play on these things.


I didn't! I had a Stella flat-top and several Kays and Harmonies when I began' date=' and I can't believe how much it kept me from learning.


I still love 'em, though.


Here's a couple of my wall-hangers. The two on the left were my first two acoustics. The Gretsch plays pretty well. The Harmony, not so much. The Kay? It's a project.



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