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Gibson Brands Forums

Hummingbird/string thread


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So a while back I posted on the forum that I was looking for a Hummingbird for my girlfriend. Well we finally found one. A very nice gentleman from the forums replied to a thread of mine and we soon met up! I must say: Hummingbirds are amazing guitars!! Such soothing sounds come out of that thing. I put medium Elixirs on there, 80/20s. They sound sweet. Now down to the real question.

My CL-30 has a nice sound to it, however I'd like to get it as smooth as the Hummingbird. I have Elixir mediums, PB, on mine and it is a ton brighter than the Bird. Would switching to 80/20s help any? Now don't get me wrong I love the way it sounds, but it just doesn't seem smooth enough to me. Any suggestions, while sticking with the Elixir brand.

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