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Help identify guitar


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Inherited great grandfather's acoustic guitar, it has no markings. It is an arch top and has a small pick guard. I was told by a family member that it may be a gibson made around the 40's or 50's. Not sure how to post a pic. If someone can tell me how to do post one i will post a picture. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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The pick guard is curiously small. How is it attached? Usually they are attached by a pin to the side of the fretboard, and a bracket to the upper bout, near the binding. This appears to be attached directly to the arched top. [cool]


Any markings visible inside? Harmony (chicargo based company which bought and made Kay's for a time) rubberstamped model numbers, usually preceded by a letter "H", and possibly a manufacture month / season directly to the back's wood. These stampings are sometimes easily missed unless you get enough light inside and you look closely.


Check out the following link to see if anything matches. Harmony usually had visible graphics on the headstock, but it may have been refinished. Some of their models had HS shaped like yours. Can we get some detail shots of the HS front and back?


Turn your volume down as it has background music


>>> http://www.broadwaymusicco.com/HARMONY.htm <<<


Also, if anyone knows the whereabouts of the large guit tar Harmony made, which is featured on the home page, I'd be tickled to know about it.

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Pick guard is attached to the top,, there are spacers between the guard and the guitar. By looking closer, I can tell the pick guard may have been changed though, great grandfather may have changed the pick guard, looks like a longer guard was on there originally, can see where it was attached to the side . Havent been able to find any markings inside, have to look closer with a better light

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