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Annoying buzzing from my les paul


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Heres one for you guys, my new Les paul sounds great when i have my hands on the string when I take them off I get a horrible buzzing sound like a bad earth, at first I thought it was the lead, tried three leads all the same, then I start moving the volume switches , making horrible scratchy sounds, hmm so I plug it into my little microcube, increase the gain right up give it around the same level of volume as my vox ad30, and it is a quiet as a mouse?? so I try my strat in the ad30 its quiet I turn the gain up and volume up, and get the same issue but real quiet, like the fact that the pickups on the les paul are making the problem worse, I need to do more testing but im thinking theres a bad earth on the amp or maybe it is the les paul. so im no nearer to actually solving the problem the buzz is so low on the strat that it could just be amp noise on the high gain models. Personally I dont think its the les paul its brand new it must have been tested for earthing problems when it left the USA.

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After more testing at loud volumes the les paul is not at fault, on the microcube it sounds as it should with the gain and volume full up there is just some amp noise, nothing more, on the vox it has a horrible buzzing with the gain at 9 o clock and the volume at 3 oclock, with around 3 watts set. so I now

have to arrange to have it replaced, being made in china coul have something to do with it.

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