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Classic 57 or BurstBucker #2 or both


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I'm looking for a little advice about pickups. I have an Epiphone Sheraton and a "newer" Gibson es-335 (with NO pickups currently in it).


I would like them both to be fairly versatile guitars meaning going from clean jazzy chords to full-on ballsy rock if need be. It seems the 57 Classic is the "preferred" pup by many. My question is would the 57 translate well for a nice clean tone in the the neck position? And if so, for the bridge I was thinking of the 57 Classic Plus OR the BurstBucker #2. Is the BB 2 a good companion for the 57 Classic? Is there enough of a difference or would a 57 plus be better?


I know its all subjective but I'm trying to wrap my head around all these decisions. Thanks for any help or input you may have. [cool]

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I have that exact combination in my LP. '57 neck / '57 Plus in the bridge. Love the tone. '57 in the neck gives a good clean bluesy sound and when combined with the bridge pickup it puts a little bite into it but still bluesy.


+1. The '57 Classic/'57 Classic Plus is my favorite combination, and they sound GREAT in 335's!!

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