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touch up for 1969 SG Standard?


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If it is crazed, you can get some "surface leveller" from a car refinish wholesaler. Spray some on the mess each morning for 3 days running, without moving the guitar. Dust (lightly spray)with a clear laquer (aly wheel finish) to cover all the messy area. Do nothing more for 6 weeks, then sand flat gently with 400 wet&dry, polish with 0000 steel wool, and polish to a finish with a car color cutting agent.


If there are chips and finish loss, fill them out by tiny applications of clear nail varnish - just a little a day. Use 400 w&d to flat WHEN it has set - put it on in the morning, take the excess off in the evening, add some more to fill out the holes. Do one side for 3 days, then do the other. Do the heel for 3 days, if needed. When the dints are filled out and flatted down, dust (lightly spray)with a clear laquer (aly wheel finish) to cover all the messy area, then repeat the dusting 2 or 3 times at 40 min intervals. Do nothing more for 6 weeks, then sand flat gently with 400 wet&dry, polish with 0000 steel wool, and polish to a finish with a car color cutting agent.

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Please post some pics so we can see what you mean.

ibis -

not to be dense, but do I need to have a URL for the pics or can I paste them into a message (like this?) - I don't find a browse & attach anywhere - it has crazing, but I don't want to remove that. it's genuine to the guitar.


I have one pic that clearly shows some finish loss, it looks like it was separated, and when it was reset they did not touch it up...


BTW - dotfret, thanks for the tips, I was thinking of using nail polish - love that stuff, touch up my bicycle with it as needed... one concern is that it is not "lacquer" or whatever, and the original finish had tint in it, I believe, so it would not look quite correct.


I was thinking of sending it to a local cat, Krishna Jain, for him to touch up. Theres a lot of play wear on it. It has pretty good tone for a 69.

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  • 6 months later...

It’s really good to know that your car’s engine is still well tuned n the problem is with its exterior. I will suggest you to get your car off the dents first n den get it repainted. For your car’s color selection I can suggest you a website from where I buy paints for my Lamborghini. It’s Car Paint I hope it’ll help u.

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