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cGil, regarding those .068uf caps...

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CGil , upon your urging we bought a few of those green poly .068uf caps to put across the preamp cathode electrolytic cap... What should we expect to hear ... more highs??? My amps are still kinda' dark for my taste anyway... How about one across the power tube cath electro. too???? Think that will help...???

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I add 'em in parallel to the regular preamp electrolytic cathode caps to help the sparkle get through. It doesn't give you more high end, per se, but it does seem to help the high end definition. At least, to my ears anyway. YMMV.


As to using 'em on the power tube, haven't tried one there yet. I do use an Orange Drop or Mallory .1uF poly cap for C11 in parallel with C8, but I really haven't noticed any difference without it on a turretboard. However, C11 may be necessary on the factory pcb since it uses a jumper between C8 and C11. The jumper may have been a source of parasitic oscillation during the development of that printed circuit board. Adding a small cap in parallel with a big filter cap is a trick old radiomen used to help filter out hf noise in the power supply because electrolytic caps just aren't as good as poly caps for dealing with higher frequencies. That's basically where the idea for using a poly cap in parallel with a cathode e-cap came from.


If you want to shift your tonal balance more toward the bright end of modern style tone and away from the dark and warm end of vintage style tone, try putting your tone pot across R6 like a Bitmo Tone pot, instead of the usual Tweed tone across the volume pot.



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Thanks cGil, we'll try the .068 cap thing , and then the tone pot thing... Just trying to get rid of the Boomy bass strings sounds ..which really muddies up the mix... could be my speakers GL12-35 celestions(which are supposed to be guilty of Flabby bass tones...)???

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Might try a .015uF or .01uF instead of the usual.022uF coupling caps in C1 and C2. It probably won't change the overall tonal balance, but it will roll off some of that excess bottom end.


Hey, if the cab has a back panel you can remove, you might try that.


On a side note, it's looking more and more like Gustave is headed toward you. My step bubba in Franklin keeps foaming on about the same old politics while the levees get rebuilt to the same old inadequate substandards. Say's they should've just let the beavers take over and had 'em fixed right! =D>



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Bubba is totally correct...Promises unfulfilled with record corporate profits ...WTF(Whats This Foolishness) ???? But the Beavers here are Lazy!!! Must be the Heat and the "Humility"...

Thanks cGil, I'll be sure to try all those tricks ... I'd just like a more "woody" bass than those explosive ringing lows...they just seem to dominate the mix...Ecch!!!

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This is turning out to be one halibut of a hurricane season. I think we'd both better get outta Dodge cuz a few more days and they'll have us surrounded!


I don't know why, but I have this strange urge to build a submarine... and sink it in concrete... kind of a combination band-room/tornado/bomb/storm-surge/skeeter-spray shelter. I suppose a generator for the amps and soldering iron would be good. And a cot, a cooler, a sterno stove, and toilet wouldn't be a bad idea, either. I'll try to squeeze 'em in next to the gym, the jacuzzi, and Olympic-size pool with the high dive. =P~



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