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New pickup for Elitist LP


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I have an Epi Elitist LP that I like a lot. I have a Dimarzio Super Distortion in the bridge of my Ibanez RG1570 and I'm thinking about installing one in the bridge (or neck?) of my LP.


Any suggestions on how that may sound? I know that the SD is a hot ceramic pup with mids boost and a lot of bite (which is great on a basswood body like the RG1570). Great for thash metal really and hard rock. Love that sound with my JMP-1/monobloc and mesa 412.


How would it be w/ my LP? The stock pups in the LP are most likely alnico and sound very "roundish" although the artificial harmonic on the bridge are pertty good. I think the SD will maintain better tonal definition for high gain, jazz chord scenarios (I play jazz/funk/metal fusion).


Also, I was going to buy an Elitist Dot but they are not made anymore and hard to find. So I'm seriously considering the Ibanez AF125 (looks nice and great reviews but made in China). Any tips on that would be appreciated as well.



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I do all my own pickup installs... The more you do it the easier it gets, like most things. If it were me, since you have the pickups in your other guitar already, swap them out and see how you like them in the Paul. If you like them, leave them and buy another set for the ibanez. (Or, try the current Paul pickups in the ibanez, you might like those too...) if not, swap them back, and you haven't wasted any money. Plus, you gain some more pickup install experience. Win/win!

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