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I wanted to ask how I could get the hum out of my Blues Junior? I hardly ever notice it when I play it but it's kind of a turn off when I want to mic it up and record stuff...


Is it the amp itself or is may it be because I didn't plug it directly into the electricity socket? (The socket is at a unreachable angle of the room making it impossble to put the amp there..)

Or is it because I have so many pedals?



Any stories, expierience, advice would dearly help!






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Or is it because I have so many pedals?

You're not really going to ask how you can figure this out for yourself, are you? Yes, it's probably your pedals, especially if you're powering them with numerous wall warts, instead of an isolated, regulated power supply. You've probably got a ground loop in the pedal power.


There are things you can do to the amp to help with hum, but I personally don't think it's an amp issue. I've got an older Blues Jr. (actually my kid's), and I've never had an objectionable hum from it, even before I started modding it.


That said, if you're running the volume pegged and the master down low, you're running with a lot of front end gain, and of course this will magnify any hum that you might have.

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Are you using the p-90 equipped guitar in your picture. If thats the case you are dealing with single coil hum.

I've got an sg with p-90s and it hums like mad. Not much to be done about that. The p-90 tone is worth the hum.

I agree that if you are running your amp hot on the front end its way more likely to buzz.


Good luck

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If all else fails, you can try a Noise Suppressor pedal, such as the ISP Decimator. I have one and it is very effective in eliminating hum from my P-90 equipped guitars, especially when playing under fluorescent lights or lights on a dimmer/rheostat.

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Thank you all so much. I will try to get that little hummingbird under control with the advice you all gave me. I hope it'll do the trick (damn P-90s! --> But they're soooo sweet)


BTW: I also have a Tele with single coils... it hums also with this little babe..




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