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SG set up


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Hi All... I finally got to Boston to pick up the 71 SG Standard I bought on Ebay several months back. First off I'm very happy its a great guitar :-) One thing, the guy I bought it from changed the original nylon saddles for replacement nylon saddles (He left the originals in the guitar case) The guitar also has its original ABR bridge. I notice that the new saddles do not have any grooves in them to hold the strings in place. Is that right? Should the saddles not be grooved to keep it better in tune while using the tremolo or something? I'd also like the action a little lower... Do I need to look for a guy who knows vintage SGs to do that? I'm in the Boston area now until the 7th of Feb.... Any suggestions on where to take it for a good set up before I go back to Spain?


Thanks for the help, Dave



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You can only go so low with your bridge to lower the action so you'll have to experment.


I have 65 Standard with a Lyre and if I take the action too low the string will rest on the leading edge of the Trem

as opposed to sitting on the saddle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You probably have this resolved by now. But yes, my 63 standard has grooves in the middle of the saddles for the strings. Also, as you probably know, the truss rod adjustment does wonders for the action, if the bridge is as low as you can go, especially with different strings. Sounds like to bought a good one though.

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