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C3/4 question

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I've got about a thousand of them.

The guy who bought a pickup load of stuff from a pedal builder going out of business sent them to me.

trading me parts for a vj.


So I finally got around to sorting through them.

I've got the 1uF 100V radial electrolytics and

a bunch of 1000uF 35V caps as well..


Good that I can use them.

I went ahead and put the 1uF into a stock board I modded today and they seemed ok. But I wondered how that would affect the tube.

Or if it would.


I've got a ton of 1/8 heat shrink tube, too, I guess I'll put up on ebay with these caps. separate, of course.

There's just boxes and boxes of parts I know don't vj.. but look great for pedals.


I bought that Jack Orman pedal pcb and ordered parts from Mouser today.

Lot of backordered parts but I'm busy anyway so I guess I can wait.


I think these washburn pedals may wind up with all new guts pretty soon.

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I may be wrong on those 100V caps..

for instance this modded board seems to have very little going for it compared to a stock board.

The lows are gone.. the volume is thinner.

cranking it doesn't do much either.


I think I'll retest first. then if it's reading right.

it was only 300V at pin 78 but that doesn't account for this difference.

I'll swap in some 2.2uF 35V I have here.

That should tell the tale.


already swapped both tubes.

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bad preamp tube.

first one was bad too. I knew I had a bad one in the box.. but not two.. so it fooled me.


sweetened up the amp with an 820 R10 and 2.2uF C3/4 with 820 R8/9

strat into fulltone fat boost into amp..


I ZZ'd for about an hour along with CDs.


I may have just turned into a strat fantatic!

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