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I have an EPI Acoustic from the early 80"s


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I love this axe but its very Trebly. I use DAddarrio EJ 16 Light strings .012-.053 they are bright strings

Id like to make it more bassy but with out any expencive work I was thinking of a new nut , sting pegs , strings but if anyone already knows how to do this im all ears thanks for your Time.



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On my Yamaha beater I had a good nut installed I think itwas corian or somthing anyway harder than plastic.

It was recommended to me by the guy doing the work I also installed heavier strings and brass string pegs.


Its a little bassier but the all around sound is so much better now I want to play it...lol


Good Luck



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A guitar's basic voice is tough to change without resulting to something drastic like shaving the braces or having the instrument re-braced. Nuts, pins and saddle will not make any real drastic difference. So I would say strings are the way to go although they will more than likely help reduced the brightness but not do much for the low end. Nickel strings might work. You will lose some brightness (and volume) and they have a nice smooth feel to them. And they are the only way to go if you slap a magnetic pickup across the soundhole.

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On my Yamaha beater I had a good nut installed I think itwas corian or somthing anyway harder than plastic.

It was recommended to me by the guy doing the work I also installed heavier strings and brass string pegs.


Its a little bassier but the all around sound is so much better now I want to play it...lol


Good Luck





According to theory, if brass pins do anything they will brighten a guitar's sound rather than tone down the upper end.

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