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help if anyone dosent mind involves painting


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Hi, ok this is what im doing im gettign this les paul kit right here-http://diyguitarshop.co.uk/content/images/kits/DKL03F/DKL03F_details.htm


Ive herd from countless of people it's the greatest kit you can get on the market right now.But im a huge slash fan and anyone thats ever herd of slash knows about his appetite for destruction lp.So im whanting to either paint it like that or paint it like his siganture goldtop.The goldtops that has black backside and of course the front is gold.But this is it, if I do it after after the appetite lp, I got a source of the exact amber paint that gibson is using on the new appetite replicas. One thing though is I saw someone on youtube painting this same exact kit and the guy said he sprayed it black fist then sanded it. And the flames showed either when the main paint coat is applied or just to make the flames stand out more.Then sprayed it the color he whanted it to be. will I have spray like an amber then sand it then spray it again to get the flames to show or last will the flames show good after spraying once. last for the goldtop I also lol have another source that is able to sell me the gold paint dust that gibson used on there I think 57s what ever goldtop he used I cant remember but if I spray it gold on top will flames show? that pretty much all i need for goldtop if i do that one, but I just mostly need advice on the appetite, feel free to ask questions lol i know this post might sound stupied but I just need help for a beginner.


last just tell me if you cant read the article because my dad whants to get ond im trying to hurry so it probley has alot of mistakes in it. lastly if it dose I whant to talk about the guitar ok please dont turn it into a whole discussion about how i need to go back to first and second grade as told by most of the *** holes on the seymour duncan fourms, the gibson fourms has the nicest people on it for some reason lol.

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No if you paint it gold you will not be able to see the flame. Also the only production gold top with black back and sides is the Joe Bonamassa signature gold top. The slash gold top and all the other gold top's have natural back and sides.


Don't paint the guitar top black, if you do you will not see the flame unless you shoot some thin coats of trans black.


But to be fair, I'm not 100% sure what your talking about, you might want to take your time and type in complete sentences and proper spelling.

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It's hard to figure out what you are trying to say, but if I read you correctly you want to make a guitar look like one of Slash's.


I would ask you a couple of questions first.


1) Have you built a guitar before?

2) Have you painted a guitar before?

3) do you have a paint booth?

4) air compressor?

5) spray gun?

6) buffing wheel?

7) Et cetera


Gibson gets the finishes try get because they know what they are doing. They have the equipment, and the time.


My advice would be to buy the guitar you want, unless you are a skilled/experienced guitar builder/woodworker.


But that is just my 2 cents worth.

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hi thx for the reply and i forgot that joes goldtop was like that but in picture at the bottom its black but also joes is like tha,t but I think slash has always used the goldtop with the black backside and also i think with it being black it looks so awsome lol but ummmmm let me try to reword it at the bottom i have a pic of the new slash appetite guitar and how it has the flames, and notice how the flames are a darker looking amber, just on the flames,what i mean is when i spray it with the amber paint will it show up like that or will i have to do something to it first then paint it and the flames will show up on the guitar and show up a darker looking amber on the flames then the rest of the guitar. hope that helps and little and thanks for the reply

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+1 to what Yoda said.

Kid if you're going to give this kit a shot you should have all those materials and all that equipment handy. If this is your first time, be prepared to screw it up, very rarely does anyone do it right on their first try.


Mayhaps this link can be of some help to you


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well i probley should have included that I also have my guitar teacher on my side that dose all this stuff i would ask him but if im ever gonna do this on my own need to learn anyway.But my teachers name is skip frye which is a very big guitarist hes very experienced with guitar and makign guitars... I have no interest in maddona but last time i went for one of my lessons he was talking to her guitarist over the phone lol and one time zak wylde. so im just saying though that I have someone very very experinced behind me to help lastly im trying not to make this sound smart but im not screwing around with a 2,000 dollar gibson les paul standard so right now it dosent matter to me right now.


never gonna be able to do this stuff if i dont learn-

seymoru duncan never learned to make pickups if he didnt rip one apart, learn how wind it do all kinds of stuff to it


eddie van halen never would of got his frank by messing completely around with it and screwing around with his pickup and getting the brown sound.


im just trying to say i didnt come prepared and thanks for all the comments and if i ever need any more help with anything else im coming back to all for help. thanks

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