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anybody have a strat body i can buy for 10 dollars lol


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I need a strat body for a project i have no job so I cant afford anything else lol I dosent have to be painted its a evh project so it can look like crap.heck you can piss on it i wouldent care i just need a body and like i said, it can be beaten up like hell and idk what brand it is thanks.

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I have a Fernandez Strat wannabe body. It is irreparable, IMO. No strings, rusted everything, loose pickups, cracked body, phony Strat parts, just a mess. It's heavy... I paid $100 bucks at a pawn shop about 10 years ago when it worked. After about 3 years, everything started falling apart. The shipping would be way more than $10 plus I'm selling it for $599.99. Hey it's relicked! LOL Naw, not for sale... Wouldn't insult anyone with it. Even anyone here at the Lounge [flapper]

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I have a Fernandez Strat wannabe body. It is irreparable, IMO. No strings, rusted everything, loose pickups, cracked body, phony Strat parts, just a mess. It's heavy... I paid $100 bucks at a pawn shop about 10 years ago when it worked. After about 3 years, everything started falling apart. The shipping would be way more than $10 plus I'm selling it for $599.99. Hey it's relicked! LOL Naw, not for sale... Wouldn't insult anyone with it. Even anyone here at the Lounge [flapper]


Even all of out here? wow that is nice of you..msp_flapper.gif

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