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Is there a tutorial


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Specifically, I, apparently, cannot receive PMs. How do I adjust settings?


Are there privacy settings like on FaceBook so others can or cannot ready the profile page?


How do I delete a comment off my profile page?

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Specifically, I, apparently, cannot receive PMs. How do I adjust settings?


Are there privacy settings like on FaceBook so others can or cannot ready the profile page?


How do I delete a comment off my profile page?

Late to this, but hope it helps.

You have to delete all of your prior messages. Some of them carried over from the last forum and we are only allowed 50, then its full. It can be confusing, and I still havent figured all of it out yet, but there are two different places to delete: messages and notifications. I'm not sure which one is the key, so I delete both. I think its notifications.

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