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Burstbucker 3 Reverse Zebra?


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Hey guys. Thought I'd post this here since the Gibson Gear forum seems to be where threads go to die. I was perusing the interweb today, and noticed all the Burstbucker 3's I see have the white portion of the zebra pickup on the screw side, not the post side. Mine is on the post side. Anyone else have one that way, or care to opine why mine would be different?


It was installed in the bridge of the guitar I got it from, so unless it was part of a set, I'm perplexed. You can see it in my avatar, or in my previous thread somewhere here about pics of the family. Any other folks with the same pup would be helpful. Thanks.




Disregard, was able to track some down on Sweetwater, although they aren't labeled as reverse zebra. Gibson must have made a change somewhere along the line

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