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Help replacing Epi Les Paul Jr pickup with P94T


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Just registered...first post...please be gentle, I need help wiring a new pickup in my son's guitar.


Background - my son is 13 years old and has had his Epiphone Les Paul Jr starter guitar (the $110 one) for 6 months now. He started with a Line 6 Spider IV 15 amp, but then used his allowance money to buy a used Marshall AVT150HX valvestate amp with a 4 x 12" Marshall cabinet as well. He loves Green Day and has taught himself to play just about all of their songs...he's actually quite good and we want to continue to encourage his interest in music as he continues to learn.


Issue - the Easter Bunny brought my son the Gibson P94T Bridge Pickup he's been wanting to replace the existing humbucker pickup in the above guitar (we already had the discussion about putting a $120 pickup into a $110 guitar so let's not go down that "rabbit hole"...he's 13 and won't be deterred). Now dad has the task of replacing the pickups and it looks pretty straightforward...I've got it mechanically installed and the P94T lead fished through the wiring cavity...now I need some confirmation on what wires to what. I can't find diagrams so if you have specific links or experience with this it would help me. The old humbucking pickup had two wires...white, which I'm assuming is "hot" and unshielded which I'm assuming is ground. The P94T has 5 wires...red, green, white, black, and unshielded. I'm assuming red is "hot" and solders to the existing white location on the pot...it looks like black and unshielded get twisted together and soldered to ground...the simple diagram that came with the P94T says green and white get soldered together and taped...I'm assuming this means that they're not actually soldered to anything else in the guitar (pot etc).


I know it's Easter but I'm hoping someone can confirm this for me and/or point me in the right direction with a link or two.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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Found this quote here.

For the P94, green and bare go to ground. The white and black leads are hot and ground, depending upon the phase relationship with the other pickup. (Try white to hot, black to ground. If the pickup is out of phase with the other pickup, reverse the white and black leads.)


If the pickup has a red lead, it is a dead lead, and can be clipped.

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www.gibson.com/Service/PUP wiring.pdf


Idk if this link will work, but if you google "p94 wiring diagram" it should be the first hit from the Gibson site.


after you rewire, and before you restring you can plug in and tap the pickup with a screwdriver or something to see if it makes noise through the amp.

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(we already had the discussion about putting a $120 pickup into a $110 guitar so let's not go down that "rabbit hole"...he's 13 and won't be deterred).


I think putting pickups in a guitar that exceed the price of the guitar is par for the course on the Epi forum B)

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