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The Astounding Akinator


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Check this site out!




It's a game app' featuring a database of, well... pretty much anyone I've been able to think of, real or fictional. (Besides the lot of you jokers)


Simply decide on a person or character from real-life or fiction, hit the play button inside the lamp, the game will ask you some questions, (you have to be accurate with your answers, obviously) and then it will guess your pick. I haven't been able to stump it yet, and I've plugged in some kind of obscure characters. It's accurate almost to the point of being spooky!


This database must have been a ***** to code. I'd love to know how many man-hours were spent building this thing.

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Guest Farnsbarns Wunterslausche

That is the first time I've ever seen an online app and had no idea how it works, that is nuts.

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