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I would like to know information about Gibson CS356 sparkle color


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Hi there,

I would like to know information about Gibson CS356. Duo to i never seen this model with the Sparkle before. So I doubt that the color of sparkle is made by limited edition, or not and this color is popular, or not.Moreover when the last sparkle color was production? and how many color of sparkle was production? If you have some photo of sparkle color by gibson Cs356, please you show some photos to me.

Also, my guitar was made in 2008, i think so.


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I've followed this model pretty closely since 2003, and I've never seen one in this color - or any advertised in this color through websites I visit. But the case and accesories look right, as does the Certificate of Authenticity, and from what I can see in the photos: the guitar generally seems right too.


Gibson Customer Service may be able to tell you what their computers say about your exact serial number (i.e. the actual name of the color), but I don't believe there have been very many in any sparkle color. Less that 20 would be my guess. They probably won't or can't tell you about others, but I think I remember some red, green and white sparkles, maybe a gold one... so perhaps there were no more than 1-3 in this color. I think I only saw them mentioned once, and in that 2008 time frame.

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