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2005 and 2011 stock (?) pickup difference


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I got a brand new LP STD a week ago. I have a 2005 STD at home that is just too heavy for me to use. A week of A/B test passed and I realized the sound of the bridge pickup of the 2005 one is meatier (more punch and midrange). The 2005 was pre owned and I'm not sure if the pickups were replaced (there was some work done in the control cavity like changing to orange drop caps and also you can see in the image that there is a cold solder joint on the old pickup case). I took a picture of the rear of both pickups - can anyone well me if the 2005 was indeed stock or is in something else?

post-34350-056575300 1310293208_thumb.jpg



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Same pickup - Burstbucker Pro - and they've been the stock pickup in LP Standards since 2002 (or 2003). The 2005 may seem meatier because it's weight-relieved and not chambered like your new one is.

Yeah - I assumed they are the same. So I switched pickups between the two guitars... it's the pickup... putting the old one on the new guitar produced the fuller punchier tone (which I like). Guess I will leave the configuration like this...

If it wasn't for A/B I'd never know (even though the new pickup did sound a little weak and with somewhat broad spectrum to begin with). I'm still not 100% sure the original pickup was not swapped on the 2005 LP... given the cold solder joing suggesting the pickup cover was resoldered... not by a pro ;-)

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That's the original pickup. The previous owner probably replaced the pickups and then put the stock BB Pros back in when he sold it to you. Pickups can vary just as much as the wood in a guitar does. Some are better than others.

I guess I was just lucky to run into such a wide gap in production parameters as I did. I took "dry" measurements of both pickups - resistance and inductance. They are both within 3% of each other (8Kohm, 4Hy) which leads me to believe that they have about the same number of windings with the same wire gauge. I would assume the difference lies in the iron core and magnet parameters.

Thanks for your time and attention :-)

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