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1996 es 335 re-issue


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Well after much thought I have decided to buy a 335 instead of the 339. Don't ask why...I am just attracted to the es 335 + its what I used to play many years ago.

Anyway I have a chance to buy this 1996 335 re-issue. Any info on this year. Are the Humbuckers alnico or the ceramic type, oe even the burstbuckers?

Any good websites that anyone may know, where I can get detailed info??





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I'm certainly no expert, but traffic is slow lately, so i'll try to help. My guess would be 57 Classics.


hg is the guy, and bobv. They are both very knowlegable about 335's and such.


You know, I LOVE my new 339, but, when I get my daughter fixed up, (she's learning with incredible speed and I'm intent on getting her a new Les Paul for her birthday) I feel an ES-335 is still in my future.


Best of luck.



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