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Fantasypalooza Festival 2011

Lammas Day

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This was a beer conversation which cropped up with my friends all the time, apologies if this topic has been broached before, but I was reminded of it yesterday evening (yeah, I still feel a little ill, so be kind to me... kinder...) so thought it'd be fun to post.




No rules, but it's the last night, contains 6 acts, you can choose from any artist or band alive or dead, and any era (e.g. David Bowie - from the Ziggy Stardust phase).


IT MUST BE PURELY SELFISH, no showboating with all the obvious ones, this isn't about selling tickets or impressing people, it's about what'd light your fire. A brief explanation of what it means to you would be nice to.


After careful consideration, my choice is...





1) Nirvana


Where it all started for me, modern rock, style and attitude would be nothing without Nirvana. They, and the whole grunge movement showed me that you didn't need to be a great guitarist to make music, you just needed passion, scream your heart out and let your guitar feedback the feelings.


2) The Doors


There's a few bands I'd probably want to see before the Doors, but the prospect of bringing Jim Morrison back and being in front of him and the band would be almost spiritual for me. I was born in 78 so missed the 60's by miles. When I imagine that time, it's always soft focus, it's hedonistic, it feels as though youth culture was invented then, and The Doors is always playing in the background.



3) Rage Against The Machine


Everything aggressive, passionate, anything really important I love about music is found in RATM. When music is at it's best it's not just notes and words, but it's got a power to do things. If ever an album had the power to install a new world order it was RATM. Tom Morello is a guitar god, I've never heard anyone before or since use a guitar like he does.


4) Pearl Jam


Purely selfish one this. When Kurt Cobain died he took the music press and the general public's obsession with all things Seattle with it. Which was a shame, because for different reasons to Nirvana, Pearl Jam were an important band to me and a lot of other people of my generation. I have very happy memories of listening to TEN in my room in the 90's


5) Jane's Addiction (circa 1990)


I've been thinking, and I don't think there's a cooler band around then Jane's. Someone once wrote of The Clash "it's like having 3 front men on stage at the same time". I feel the same way of JA. Perry, Dave and Eric all massively charismatic in their own ways. There was a period I listend to JA exclusively for nearly 6 months, they're the sort of band which gets into your blood stream and you need them like a drug.


6) Mansun


Probably on my own here, I'd be surprised if anyone would of heard of Mansun out of the UK (even in the UK is quite good). I could only describe them as Progressive Indie Rock. I got the album SIX in 1999, since then I've listened to it more than any other album I own, even today it sounds fresh and I hear something I hadn't before, it's rich, textured and a fantastic album. I love this band.



I look forward to hearing other peoples.

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