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Teal Dot calling my name

Blessed Scarecrow

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I don't need another guitar ... but ... the pawn shop down the road has a teal/turquoise Dot for sale that has been sitting in my subconscious for a couple of months now. Trying to do my due diligence I've done heaps of web trolling and am still confused as to what kind of guitar this really is.


I ran the serial number (I've since lost the paper so I can't copy it here) and it appears to be an 03 Unsung Dot. It has Gibson on the truss rod cover and, if memory serves, Gibson branded pickups. The pickup guard is sparkly white and the knobs are amber ... but the strangest thing is that teal/turquoise colour ... I can't find any other Dot online with that same colour. There are Casinos out there in that colour but I believe the label inside says Dot. The tuners are Grovers and the hardwrae is all siver.


It's advertised as 'new' - the pickups are still covered in plastic and it has hang tags.


I'm wondering if anyone has any other information on this they might share. It plays well and I'm real tempted to trade in some gear and pull the trigger but I thought I'd ask for advice before I get to that stage.


I can wonder over there and look/feel some more. For example, I just realized that I didn't even look to see if it has dots or trapezoids. Perhaps I should snap a picture on the sly.


Whatever you can do to fill me in would be a great help.



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I don't need another guitar


Well, that's what I use to say all the time before I buy a new guitar [smile]


... but ... the pawn shop down the road has a teal/turquoise Dot for sale that has been sitting in my subconscious for a couple of months now.


One of these?:





They do look to me like normal Dots, just with custom color. Found also Casinos and Wildcats with the same turquoise color while searching for the Dot.

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Wow - how'd you do that :); I looked online for a couple of hours yesterday.


The one in the link is pretty much the same - plastic wrapped covers with gibson and so on. This one has a pickguard so that's something. I was thinking I'd wander over this afternoon and take a snap, or maybe tomorrow morning since they get busy after lunch.


I have to find out if they have the case for it as well.





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Well, I did do that ... and I found nothing. I also found the Gibson/Epiphone colour code for teal/turquoise on one of my searches, which I didn't record and forgot over the ensuing months but that didn't help either. Palamino Blue? something with P.


Looking at the images on the link I think I did have a look - since it's from 2007 I may have filtered it out.


Regardless, I'm happy to be registered here and checking my mail.


The pawn shop is in Port Alberni, BC ... so factor in shipping and silly border paperwork before you address the GAS.


Thanx all - P

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What part of the world might this be. The only reason I ask there is one in a local pawn shop where I live, it looks just like the above "DOT".

Only thing it is marked with a "2" on the back of the head stock. Along with that they were asking $599 for it "new". Still a very nice looking guitar. The one that is still for sale here is central Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada [smile]

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Central Island ... yes, that would include Port Alberni :).


Jay dropped it to $499 and I haven't expressed much interest, but as I said, I don't really need any more guitars.


The serial definitely starts with U ...


Maybe we should meet up someday. I'm looking for other old farts that want to try to relive the exquisite prog of the early 70's.



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Funny! I am also from Port Alberni and have look at that very same guitar but end up purchasing a "Custom Shop" from Long & Mcquaid (in my avatar). His asking price has always pushed me away even though it is cool. As for jamming, sounds cool but mostly by myself [blush] and or family as I have only been playing a couple of years. Must say I do need to push my comfortzone.... [scared]. Although I played twice at Gateway Church on Roger, which I enjoyed.

As for a old fart I'm 41 and still do stupid things so take that anyway you want... [tongue]




Sorry long day didn't notice the Port Alberni ref in your post......

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I'm past 50 so I qualify to be an old fart; even though I've played since I was in my teens I never took a lesson until this year, a fact I now regret since I have 40 years of bad habits to correct.


Gear prices are weird value. I have a bunch I stuff I've collected over the years which is worth probably nothing compared to my house, my truck or even a tank of gas, yet folk online feel free to grumble at listed prices. I well remember the price of stuff, plus shipping and brokerage fees from just 10 years ago - in fact, I brought in a Hellhound for my brother's 50th birthday that cost me CAD $800 all in with that $0.65 dollar. Now the shoe is on the other foot.


Regardless, I was waiting at the pawn shop a couple of months ago and played that Dot and was surprised first at its weight, and then at how much fun it was to play, which got me thinking. It might be the Gibson scale; after year of playing Ibanez and various Strat products I started in on a SG last year because I finally found a scale which fit my hand and angle of arm.


Maybe one day you'll see me with that Dot - or with something else. Are you going to Salmon Fest?



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I hear you on the comfort of a Dot compared to a strat as I find a strat neck to small for my hands (I'm 6'4"). On the other hand a epi fits like a glove.


Going to try to make it to the fireworks tonight, but the family will be spending most of the weekend swiming/ tubing down the river before the kids go back to school [thumbup] .


P.s. pm me if you want chat.

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