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DONE!!!!! well sort of...


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say gang!


been out here in the village of Pecos New Mexico for the last 3 weeks. Got here with my nerves in tatters and in need of a good rest.


after a week or so i started compiling all my recorded material, and writing new music, and just this morning... i've finished my last song for the new CD.


i've mostly recorded classical guitar in the past and this rekkid will have classical, music by Brouwer, Ponce and Torroba.. but i also started using 12 string guitars, 10 string guitars, indian flutes, tablas, drums.. and... DISTORTION!!! (welcome to the 60s) anyhow, its a cool collection of songs by any era.


wait another week before we start the artwork & layout...


but the 'hard' part is done and i am happy with it!


i would celebrate with a drink.. but i'm too tired to open a bottle... no i'm not

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