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Crazy Joe and the Variable Speed Band- Eugene


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Anyone remember this (particularly those from the NY/NJ/CT area)? Anyone who read KISS & Tell (the collection of Ace/KISS stories) should recognize this. Great novelty stuff!


Ace co-wrote this (some say it was a friendly jab in the ribs to Gene Simmons and his womanizing nature), and played syndrum. I think it came out in 1981 (on Casablanca records, which is how Ace got into it).


The "singer" (Eugene!) is Joe Renda. The guy playing the KISS pinball machine is Bob McAdams (Ace's former best friend and co-author of KISS & Tell). And the bass player is none other than John Regan, who would go on to form Frehley's Comet with Ace (and pretty much keep it running by himself due to Ace being lazy, indifferent, and an unreliable alcoholic/drug addict) a few years later. He also played with Peter Frampton for many years (still does, I think. I don't think so. He's been encouraging a Comet reunion along with Tod Howarth so...), so some of you might have seen him live.


My name is Eugene!

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