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My Advanced Jumbo, on every track of my album!


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Just want to say how much this guitar has changed my life as a musician in the last few months...In fact I have had dozens of guitars over the years and only two have been as vital as air to me, my Gretsch White Falcon and now my Gibson AJ. I will be releasing my debut album this year, and both are on every track of the album, I could not imagine this project without these guitars...The AJ records so well and is incredibly versatile...Funny thing is that it led me to convert the Martin 000-15M that was getting no use to Nashville tuning, which was like a revelation to me...


You can hear a couple of songs previewed on my Youtube channel:




I hope to feature the Gibson AJ in a special video soon.

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  • 2 months later...

just letting you know you can now stream/download my debut LP "Somewhere In Time" in full on http://ilias.bandcamp.com




Here is a sample from a recent US blog review (thethrillofitall)!


"Algerian/Australian composer Ilias is a worthy auteur making the brilliant kind of stuff that most other one-man bands could hardly even dream of. Perhaps the fact that his debut "Somewhere in Time" took 10 years is to blame for the surety and confidence inherent in the compositions of Ilias - drawing from prominent jangle-pop guitarists of the 80′s, Ilias builds a dreamy army of nimbly plucked guitars, constantly making a lush, well-textured sound all on his own, apparent in early tracks like “Loving You” (...) The best moments of "Somewhere in Time" are where Ilias’ broad range of influences, his beautiful aesthetic, and his amazing guitar and vocal talent coalesce together into a singularity, like the masterful guitar jam “September Memory - a track that once again suggests Ilias’ Dire Straits influences, yet also leans towards Radiohead’s IDM-meets-rock approach of Kid A with the rapid-fire drum machine mania at the beginning of the song, culminating with some sustain-laden guitar wailing a la Stadium Arcadium-era John Frusciante."


UK blog review (scrawlings of philip bell):


"The album fits very nicely together with great song selections which complement each other very well, so well in fact that at times I found myself completely lost in the music and revelling in the beauty of it. I think particular homage has to paid to the quality of the guitar playing in this which is absolutely phenomenal. I can’t help but have some serious envy at his wonderful balance of wailing guitar fading in and out, delicate little riffs and seductive vibrato. This is why personally September Memory has to be the outstanding sound of the album for it is honestly some of the best guitar I have ever heard. I’m pretty sure he could easily waltz into a room with BB King or Eric Johnson and not feel the slightest bit intimidated. He just seems to understand silence, timbre and all the little details of guitar which make for, dare I say, virtuoso qualities."

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