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Bill Sheehan

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  1. Thanks, Roberyto, I'll be mindful of those things, and hopefully my new SG will be a good one! Really appreciate your input!
  2. Thank you so much, D67, and I'll hope to be posting a little review soon! Have a good week!
  3. Thank you, D, I'm glad to know you're enjoying that new SG! After much consideration, I went ahead and "pulled the trigger" on the same Special P-90 model, in sparkling burgundy. Although I've had very good service from "SW" in the past, I decided to go with Chicago Music Exchange this time, as they are a little closer to home, and they indicated that they'll do a full inspection and basic set-up before sending the guitar to me, including the installation of a fresh set of 10's. It sounds like these are on back-order right now, so it may be a while. But I'm really excited to be getting this new guitar, and grateful for all of your input! I'll let you know when it arrives!
  4. Good morning, d67, thanks for that followup! I'm a little surprised that your SG arrived with those issues, as the merchant from which you purchased it is known for giving an instrument "a good going over" (although not a formal "setup" unless you request it and pay the extra cost associated with it) before it goes out the door. And to be sure, I have had very good experiences with that merchant in the past. But, nobody's perfect, and occasionally even the best of us slip up a little. But anyway, I was wondering how you're liking your new guitar by now? I've been thinking about getting one, as I've always loved the SG body style, especially with those white-buttoned tuners, that clean and simple pre-compensated "all-in-one" wraparound bridge, and of course the P-90 pickups (which I've also yet to experience). In my 50+ years of playing, I've tended to be a Strat, Tele, and Les Paul guy. If you don't mind, I'm curious as to whether the P-90 pickups are able to be raised and lowered as on other guitars, or are they fixed in place? Do your P-90's carry a lot of electrical "hum"? Also, are you getting decent intonation from your wraparound bridge? And finally, are you maintaining "10-guage" strings on there? THANKS!
  5. No problem, and I might've misunderstood the issue, which I initially thought was that your strings (as a unit) were drifting off toward the treble side of the fretboard, such that your high E string was wanting to "slip off" the edge of the fretboard. Sounds like maybe you were actually just having some more general slippage of the high E string "tuning-wise", and it's good to know that's been corrected! Judging from your photos, your strings appear to be aligned just fine, i.e., you're not experiencing the dreaded "string drift factor" that guitars sometimes suffer from. Have fun with that nice instrument!
  6. Darling67, I was just wondering what the problem might've been that was causing your high E string to drift too close to the edge of the fingerboard and want to slip off, and what exactly was done to remedy that issue?
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