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derek R

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Posts posted by derek R

  1. I mainly play electric guitars,I’m not even that good considering I’ve been playing for a few years now and had lessons.

    I have always had acoustic guitars about,i had a really nice Simon and Patrick acoustic which I gave to my son and bought a Martin acoustic thinking it was an upgrade,which it is,but it doesn’t have the same sound as the Simon and Patrick.

    So now i think i may want to move on to a Gibson acoustic,so where do i start,i was thinking along the lines of a j45 or a hummingbird.

    I’m open to suggestions,i feel that the Martin acoustics fretboard is too narrow and the sound is too dark,I’m looking for something easier playing with a more open sound and going by reviews and reading these forums and other forums i think a Gibson acoustic might be the way to go and hopefully inspire me to practice more than i do now and put in the effort to really enhance my years of lessons and general knowledge of guitar playing,i do get that the best way is to play as many guitars as i can and being in a big city that is not really a problem as there are many guitar shops about,but i feel really inferior going into these shops and playing these guitars in front of other people because as i said earlier I’m not the best of player.

     The cost of a Gibson acoustic is not cheap and would be a big outlay for me but i feel the cost could be offset if it encouraged me to actually put in the time to pick up the guitar and practice,don’t get me wrong,I’ve spent the same sort of money on my Gibson electric guitars so at the end of the day I can cover the cost.

     The main type of music I’m interested in playing is mainly rock/blues/rock blues,just really what most of us listen to,play,so as i asked where do i start.

    Any feedback/suggestions/help would be really helpful as i really don’t know what type of Gibson acoustic i would be best looking at,considering my skill level and musical talent,i mainly play chords/rhythm type guitar just now and that is mainly what I’d be doing with the acoustic.

    thanks again in advance.

    derek r

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