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Markus W.

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Everything posted by Markus W.

  1. If you want please let discuss about your favorite strings for your 'Bird...
  2. I use DR Zebras 12-54 in my Epi J-160. It works very well if you play acoustic and/or with the P-90.
  3. Thanks for watching the video, Lefty. Yes too bad that it's only in german. But i will try to translate it with subtitles one day...;-). Cheers Markus
  4. Thanks David for your words... Here in Germany there are many women with red hair, many of them are "original" others coloured it to get red hair. But I don't know why, I think they like it...;-) Here is a new video from last saturday. We had a gig and we played the last 2 songs outside unplugged in the night. It was a great and have a good time because the people sung the chorus with us. The video is a bit dark because it was 11pm but the sound of our J-45's are very good. Homeward Trail unplugged @ night
  5. Last week my brother and I were invited in a local german TV music show called Backstage. It was an Interview and we played two songs with our Gibsons (J-45 Legend and J-45 TV). It was a nice event and it was funny but I was a bit nervous…;-) Please take a look if you are interested. Cheers Markus http://www.youtube.com/embed/VYaGVlYUxAg
  6. Thank you very much for the info. I let you know about how we go. cheers
  7. Thanks EuroAussie…that's nice! The two Gibbys are a J-45 TV on the left and a J-45 Legend on the right. The sound isn't very good because its recorded with a cheap compact camera… Do you know some venues (cafés, clubs, etc.…) in praque where we can make a gig or two…;-)? Then we can visit praque for a weekend or a few days and met us there if you want. Greetings, Markus
  8. Hey folks, our music can be found at: Bandcamp and Youtube Greets from Germany Markus
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