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Mr. Natural

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Posts posted by Mr. Natural

  1. On 12/19/2019 at 8:39 AM, billroy fineman said:

    ...my first name is bill, my last is roy...(the guy w/ 2 first names) .... 


    a guy with 2 first names?  Like Sirhan Sirhan?

    Just kidding, Bud; I know you're a regular guy.

  2. On 12/16/2019 at 8:38 PM, sparquelito said:

    It's funny, but I go by my nickname in every other facet of life, except for the band. 

    The given name is John Sparkman, but after years of service in the Army, that turned into the nickname Sparky. 
    (Sometimes, Spark, Sparkinator, or Sparquelito.)

    But in general, everyone calls me Sparky. 
    Though the wife calls me Spark, as a rule. 

    In the band, everyone calls me John for some reason. 

    Not sure why. 



    I like "the Sparkinator".  May I call you that?

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