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Esonic2 problem EJ-200ce


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I bought my brand-new EJ-200ce in February and I started using it right out of the box! I was pleasantly surprised what a nice guitar this is for the money! Changed strings and it sounded even better. Used it on about 10 gigs and all was cool...until last night!

Plugged it in and...nothing. Just dead. The tuner still worked, but nothing from the pickups at all. Battery fine, just no sound.

(Luckily I was able to do the gig with my just Strat...some of the songs didn't sound the same, obviously, but we got thru it.)


Today I put new batteries in, just in case...still dead. So I started looking for broken wires or a bad connection...everything looks fine. Then...I was noticing that the volume knob seemed a little looser than normal...and as I was "jiggling" it around...boom...sound!

So it appears I have a bad volume knob...it works intermittently or not at all. So until it is fixed or replaced I won't be playing it live.

I contacted Gibson/Epiphone and am awaiting a response.


Anyone else have the same problem with the esonic2?

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From what I've seen there does appear to be some people who have had problems with the Esonic 2 though not that many considering the numbers out there (people don't generally post to say theirs is working fine!)


Got to say that mine has been bullet proof (touch wood) but it does maker you wonder if Shadow is really putting enough attention to QA into the units they send to Epiphone - remember the Esonic 2 is made by Shadow and bought in by a number of guitar manufacturers not just Epi/Gibson

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I have heard of this problem many times before, but so far mine is still working. Rumor has it that the Esonic is a very good pick up system, but the quality and the reliability....not so good. If I were you, I'd look at putting a more reliable system like Fishman to another well known reliable system since you rely on it for regular gigs.

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Wow...talk about a fast reply. Opened my email this morning (Easter Sunday no less!) to find an email from Gibson telling me to take the guitar to a warranty center. As luck would have it, I have 3 in my immediate area.

This guitar is brand-new, still under warranty, and I love the guitar itself...and I DO like the esonic2 system WHEN ITS'S WORKING...so I'll give the warranty guys a chance to fix it.

I have my black Guild D-5 I can use while they are fixing my EJ.


Will report back with results. Wish me luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Picked up my guitar today from the Gibson warranty service center. It's actually a guitar tech in Hollywood who is licensed by Gibson, Fender, etc. He does amazing work, has a list of celeb clients a mile long. Very nice guy and he definitely knows his craft! He replaced the Esonic2 control unit with a new one. Works just like it used to! So...we will see how long this one lasts!

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