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Yu guys do any Bob Seger tunes???


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Yeah, I do songs I like, am comfortable with, and can do in my own style. I can't sound like Cash, or Lennon, or Seger, but many of their songs are real easy for me to adjust to my kind of performance. I've got to feel that a song is right for me and that I don't come across as an idiot singing it. Just because a song is popular doesn't mean people will enjoy my version of it, so I try to pick covers that I'm comfortable with. I can't do "Handy Man" like Del Shannon did, but I can do in a way similar to James Taylor. ........A lot of Seger's material is superbly written and it's kind of in the story mode that I enjoy.

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A young lady pro I knew and had helped on her guitar pathway had headed into more of a rock-based "country" than I thought was good for her. With her voice, I recommended the old "Rambler Gambler."


Naaah. I don't know if she ever gave it a try in the studio, but some 6-8 months after our conversation, Ronstadt did it almost in the style and sort of arrangement I'd suggested. Perhaps the lady I knew didn't have that piece inside herself. I dunno.


A good song is a good song. Most will fit some of us, some will fit most of us if we consider whether, and how it reflects part of us.


I think sometimes that folks get so much into their style that they don't do songs from outside a given "sound" that might fit their sound better than stuff already done in their style.


One of the better examples just might be Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt." I'm as guilty as many in that if someone had suggested "Listen to Nine Inch Nails." Heck, just the name woulda turned me too far off. Cash saw a working piece that said something from inside him as well.



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