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NGD- Thunderhorse

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This is actually a couple of weeks old, but I got my hands on a Thunderhorse, and I have to say I love it. I have never played an Explorer, it is a gigantic hunk of wood!! I bang into everything with it. [biggrin]


Here are some observations:



The neck feels pretty large, and maybe just the way it hangs on the strap but the first 2 frets feel like they are farther away than the nut on my LP's. The frets feel great, even and smooth all the way up the neck. The upper frets (15+) are very easy accessible and very playable. The tuners are very close together and far away from me, but that's just part of the design that I am not used to yet. I HATE dots. HATE HATE HATE dots. This thing needs trapezoids.



The finish looks great! I have never seen one of these grey burst finishes up close, but I like it. The binding is clean and looks good against the dark colors. I expected the guitar to be heavy, and it is a bit heavier than my Epi LP. But to my surprise it is well balanced. I have to put some strap locks on it pronto, because the Thunderhorse spends all of her time trying to pull off of the front strap pin. Trying pretty hard! I HATE pickguards. HATE HATE HATE pickguards.



The pickups sound amazing!! The coil tap feature is huge and really makes this guitar versatile. I have gigged with it once and it was fantastic, it plays hard and heavy, bluesy and pop all very well. The tone pot really is useful, not just off/on. The volume knobs are a bit loose and easy to spin. I have to get used to where the pickup selector is located, I even caught myself switching it with my left hand once. [biggrin] Overall I'm very impressed with the range of tone these pickups produce.


I will post some pictures shortly. If you have any questions, just ask.

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congrats on the guitar man. I have the exact same one as well. A little bit off subject but does your thunderhorse have a little hum to it? my pick up hums a bit and then completely cuts off when i turn the tone knob off to zero but if i even put the tone knob to one the hum starts again. pretty annoying. not sure if its common for that to happen because my other guitar with emgs doesnt do that. any input would be appreciated.

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