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pickguards or lack thereof


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If I wanted a new teardrop shaped pickguard all I have to do is choose from the dozen at least ads on eBay. Is there any reasons why the southern jumbo style or hummingbird style or a j35 size aren't as readily available ?


It's a southern jumbo style I put on my J-45 BBG. I ripped off the stock one on day one... ordered a southern jumbo styled one, quick wipe down/clean once it arrived and bing-bong a correctly placed guard was installed.


True though, the Southern Jumbo and HB guard are less readily available. I think in the case of the HB ones it's because too many folk try to replicate the artwork (badly) and most people ordering a replacement want the artwork correct. For the SJ style probably a case of the J-45 style being more ubiquitous.

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It's a southern jumbo style I put on my J-45 BBG. I ripped off the stock one on day one... ordered a southern jumbo styled one, quick wipe down/clean once it arrived and bing-bong a correctly placed guard was installed.


True though, the Southern Jumbo and HB guard are less readily available. I think in the case of the HB ones it's because too many folk try to replicate the artwork (badly) and most people ordering a replacement want the artwork correct. For the SJ style probably a case of the J-45 style being more ubiquitous.


I love my pickguard on my J50. But where would one even order one?


I played a J45TV last week - a new 2013 one. It had no pickguard (they include the teardop in the case from now on). It looked so good bare, but I do strum some. If I were to have a guitar like that, I would want a Southern Jumbo style pickguard.

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