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The thing about accountants is their life is gray and uninteresting. Checking accounts, always trying to settle this account or that one. It's a grim, nose to the grindstone world for accountants. They are driven, compulsive people and often lost souls. Their life is deadly dull and they have little imagination, so they often try to find interesting people to follow about in hopes of basking in the reflected glory. Accountants would like themselves to be brilliant and capable of scintillating conversation. But all they can talk about are these deadly accounts of theirs. Sad, isn't it? There must be an accountant convention around. I keep noticing these pale, dim, mousey creatures following me around almost the way a dog might. I heard one mumbling something incoherent about 'licks'. [laugh]

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The thing about accountants is their life is gray and uninteresting. Checking accounts, always trying to settle this account or that one. It's a grim, nose to the grindstone world for accountants. They are driven, compulsive people and often lost souls. Their life is deadly dull and they have little imagination, so they often try to find interesting people to follow about in hopes of basking in the reflected glory. Accountants would like themselves to be brilliant and capable of scintillating conversation. But all they can talk about are these deadly accounts of theirs. Sad, isn't it? There must be an accountant convention around. I keep noticing these pale, dim, mousey creatures following me around almost the way a dog might. I heard one mumbling something incoherent about 'licks'. [laugh]


Three things.....

1 - Gray is a name, grey is the color. Just for your future reference...

2 - You mention accounts/accountants several times in a single post, yet I am not an accountant. This amuses me.

3 - You seem to have removed all the posts with your songs. This amuses me further.

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Three things.....

1 - Gray is a name, grey is the color. Just for your future reference...

2 - You mention accounts/accountants several times in a single post, yet I am not an accountant. This amuses me.

3 - You seem to have removed all the posts with your songs. This amuses me further.


My word, speak of accountants and accountants come! I like how you first mention that there are 3 items, and then proceed to number them, 1, 2, 3. That's good accounting procedure, I bet.


Notice how pedantic accountants are. Quibbling over the spelling of gray. Yep.


I know, your life is bereft of interest so you feel the need to follow me around. I feel sorry for your lack of talent, inspiration, and imagination but what am I to do for you? I know, I am a luminous figure and you are attracted to me. But really, I'm heterosexual and even if I swang that direction, um, I'm not fond of accountants.

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I know, I am a luminous figure and you are attracted to me. But really, I'm heterosexual and even if I swang that direction, um, I'm not fond of accountants.



Jesus wept, now you're hinting at sexual stuff too?


If any onlookers here are actually friends with Jerry, could you please save him from himself here? This is becoming excruciating!

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