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Gibson pickups

david barlow

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Hi, back in the mid 70s I replaced 2 pickups on a friends gibon guitar and he let me keep the pickups I took off (my back ground at the time was electronic not guitars). Would these pickups be worth anything? the top of them have the gibson logo stamped on them.

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They have moderate value. Most Gibson gear made in the 70's under the Norlin Corp. is not considered very collectible yet. Of course, THE most valuable are authentic PAF's, followed by early 60's patent sticker humbuckers. Then later 60's and early 70's patent sticker humbuckers. The Gibson logo buckers, while decent pu's, command maybe $50.00 each.

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do you mean that the humbucking covers have the gibson logo on them??


Between late 1970 and mid '72 Gibson pickups were manufactured with an embossed "Gibson" logo on covers. This is an identifying characteristic of this era an can be used to help date these pickups.

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