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2000 Nashville ES-135


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Just scored one today for $750 with the nice pink shroud case.


I'll get some pics up tomorrow. It's solid red with P-100's, which are kind of nasty sounding,

but it doesn't matter much to me in the backline.


The guitar is in excellent + shape and has no issues at all (other than those P-100's).


When I saw the first runs of these out of Nashville I was shocked at the fret work. Really bad!

But over the years they've gotten a lot better. This neck and rosewood board rivals a nice Les Paul.


I had some DiMarzio Virtual P-90 humbuckers in a Hamer once that seemed to work pretty well.

Maybe down the road I'll search out a set of those.


For now it's OK. The guitar is great, the sound is so-so through my Tech 21.


Actually the sound is satisfactory until I plug any other guitar in the house right after the 135.

Then it's shortcomings are obvious.


I spent quite a bit of time this afternoon adjusting the pickups to where I think they sound best,

which isn't usually where my pickups wind up mind you.


In the end they're ok for now, but this guitar deserves better, and maybe a stud tailpiece too.

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...mine's from the last run of 135's it has '57 classics and a mahogany center block instead of the chromyte...I HATE P100s...


AND a stud tailpiece.:-k

Yours has everything mine needs!


My first experience with P-100's was on a '93 Les Paul Junior. I didn't know it wasn't a P-90.

At least I knew what I was getting into on this guitar.


Last night I mounted an ABR-1 with nylon saddles from an old L5 onto it.

Since it would be hard to install a stud tailpiece (and it still wouldn't have the mahogany block anyway), I'm going another direction with this 135.

I haven't had a chance to plug it in yet. It could be a step in the jazz direction, or a totally wrong move!#-o

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I love mine, it's a beast! Ebony finish, triple bound top, no pg, 57 classics, f-holes, chromyte block (I actually prefer it to mahog.), round 50s neck, tall & fat frets, made in Memphis... though the f-holes you can see that the wood has wicked flame, but I doubt I'll ever strip the finish off.


You'll have some good fun with yours once it has pups you like!

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...You'll have some good fun with yours once it has pups you like!


Thanks for the encouragement.


Actually' date=' after putting the ABR-1 on it and getting the saddles worked out (nylon under the plain strings - metal under the wound strings), some new Nickel Rockers (GHS) in 11's, and remembering that stack humbuckers need to be away from the strings more, it's really getting there soundwise.


Bit of amp tweaking this afternoon dialing out more midrange than ever, and the jazz sound is really there.


Still working with distortion lead tones but I think I can get it more there. I don't usually get much chance for grand-standing my six licks at uber volume levels, but at home I like to rattle the windows sometimes.


This guitar will DEFINITELY do what I need for backline duties with the bass and drums next chance I get. I don't get many calls anymore (when you're an old geezer like me all your friends keep dropping like flies), but I'm ready if and when...


Here's some pics of the bridge with nylon saddles under the plain strings, and some off color shots of the guitar and shroud case:









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