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Sheraton 2 Frequensator mod.


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Hello all,


Ive purchased a used 2013 MIC Sherry 2 in sunburst and Ive been thinking about putting my frequensator on it instead of my 62/50. I will be having it done by a pro but Im wondering what all is gonna be involved besides drilling the holes in the bottom and having the bride posts still there. Ive mocked it up with the forks on and my D string goes all the way to the peg with some to spare. Is there any other concerns I should have with this? Is it much more work than fitting one with a bigsby? I just want to make sure its gonna work out.

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I have two "freaky" Epiphones, the latest being a "62 reissue Sheraton. I like tinkering with things, so I made the bass bale on mine almost an inch longer, just to make sure I never had a chance of an "length problem" again. It can be a relatively expensive proposition, especially with gold hardware. Epiphone uses a rather unique thread size on the bale ends and it can be tricky just finding the die to thread your replacement. Then, there's making the bale. I got lucky, finding a longer "donor", but mine was chrome. The gold guys are in for an adventure, short if buying a "whole nother" frequensator, to get something to shorten. Just be aware, and ask, when you buy strings. Most retailers will take the D string out and measure it, if you explain why you need to know. PM me if you want to continue down the longer-bale road.


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I think length wise Ill be ok. Im just wondering how much work will be involved converting from a stop bar? Will the bridge line up ok? Also Ive heard the electonics ground on one of the stop bar posts? Since im paying for it to be done maybe I should just have the frequensator put on my 62/50 sherry..

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