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Lzzy Hale Explorer Owners Board


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Q1."Strings that don't sound when played open are sitting on the frets."A1.the hell you say? Q2."If it was played a short time and put away, how did that happen?" A2.yea that was the question" Q3."What does the bridge look like?" A3.looks like a Tone Pro locking Tune-O-Matic The material must be Zamak oh and its gold, Q4."nut?" A4.white Tektoid say about 1.695" wide. Q5."Are the strings laying on the frets?" A5.yes Q6."How does a guitar go from the greatest Explorer ever to unplayable while sitting in a case?" A6.I don't recall saying it was he greatest explorer ever, I may have said it was my dream guitar and I said it had low action and played very nicely, again how did that happen, yea that's part of the question? Q7."Could the pridge posts have been turned accidentally?" A7.um no, no they could not. Q8."Can you not turn the bridge posts and lift the strings?" A8.yes I could, I have set up many guitars over the years but no I find me or paying someone to fix something I shelled out 2k for in unacceptable.


your Statement "Yes, this is the internet. Gripe away and do nothing, or try a few things to ease this "unplayable" condition your guitar has so mysteriously gotten into all by itself." --My whole statement was "You are asking “what is unplayable?” oh I thought you read what I had posted before you replied, well this is the internet."

I made this statement because you were asking me questions in a fairly condescendingly flavor that I had clearly already given answers to in the my first post and now that I have called you on the condescending oversight you make that statement that I suppose is suppose to make me look like the bad guy. The only thing I have really got from all your posts are that for some reason you feel free to attack my character with insinuations of my lack of knowledge or to insinuate that I am somehow being dishonest and caused this problem myself like you did in your last statement when you said "unplayable" condition your guitar has so mysteriously gotten into all by itself." I guess since that's cool for you to attack my character without knowing a thing about me I should take the same liberty with yours and say furthermore my remark about the internet was because it doesn't matter what message board someone goes to there you are. I mean not you but someone just like you. Someone posts something asking for help or an opinion and there is someone like you offering zero help and trying to make that person look bad, or unknowledgeable, implying that they are the problem, some will even resort to attacking someone's grammar and many other things in an effort to look good. I suppose you people do this because these internet message boards are the only little world where you feel you are important and relevant. You must really think that the other members reading your posts think you are the all-knowing grand wazoo. I can tell you from the messages I have been getting from people they think something entirely different of you. Who knows maybe because you post here none stop you feel this is your turf and it's your right to hassle anyone new, if that's the case I think you are missing the point of message boards. Who knows maybe in some twisted way you think you are helping someone and if that's the case please stop.


Now ZuWa who started this thread said "Please participate and tell us about your Lzzy Explorer. These guitars are selling out everywhere - I believe the total production will be under 200."

Somehow I took this as tell us all about your guitar and buying experience etc... I did not see where it said only post positive feedback and do not report any problems you have had with your guitar. Seemed to me this was the perfect place to share my experience with this guitar.

I thought perhaps someone else might have gone through a similar problem with their guitar and could tell me how they got it resolved through Gibson or even just tell me how to get Gibson to respond to messages I have sent them regarding the matter.


To those of you that have sent me messages thank you for your support and humor about all of this.

Thank you again


Try the decaff. I don't want to make you look bad or like you don't know anything. I have been around guitars a very long time and it is not very often they go in the case fine and come out "unplayable".


If you don't want to touch the parts to make it work, say it. If you want to lover yer guitar, get in there and do something.


Gibson doesn't respond to fixing guitars, Gibson dealers do. Take it to your local Gibson guy and start there. You will be a lot happier than waiting around for these guys, who are only going to tell you to take it to your local Gibson dealer.



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So what I am saying no body has touched this guitars set up besides Gibson when it got the magical PLEK’d set up and now it has been played under an hour and it is currently unplayable. The action was very low the way it came from Gibson and it played very nicely. So you are saying my lack of knowledge about the plek machine is the cause of my problems and I should just be happy to look at this guitar and not bother Gibson or share my experience with others?



Not bashing anyone but I'm confused by this post................One sentence says it played very nicely but after an hour its now unplayable? Not seeing how that could happen without some bad adjustments. I've yet to have ever received a brand new never-played guitar and not had to have it setup at least a little bit. Every guitar is 'unplayable' if its not set up worth a crap.

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