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Today I threw away my crutch…!


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Good point about banjo pickin' with the pinky anchored on the head.


Ditto here when "Scruggs" picking. Actually a lot more than just Earl's style was involved by finger pickers on banjo. Frailing, of course, and other "folkie" styles were a lot looser, and those styles seldom had a pinky anchor.


I think some of that may have been because there's more double-thumbing by banjo pickers than guitar fingerpickers, and the pinky anchor aided that a bit.


Funny thing though, is how a pickin' hand diamond pinkie ring was not uncommon among some of the folkie era banjo (even guitar fingerpickers) pickers I knew.




Who me? Hmmmmm. Gee guys, that was a looooong time ago. And perhaps a longer story.



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